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Knoll Washington D.C Showroom Awarded Architect’s Newspaper Best of Design Award

The showroom and office won in the Interior – Retail category

Knoll Washington DC Showroom Wins AN Best of Design Award

The Architect’s Newspaper recently announced the winners of the 2021 Best of Design Award and the Knoll Washington D.C Showroom & Offices won the Interior – Retail category. Re-located to 1222 22nd Street NW in 2021, ARO worked with Knoll to design the new space. The warmth and elegance of the Knoll portfolio shines through as the space showcases both residential and office furnishings. Rich velvet Cesca Chairs around the bar offer a casual touchdown meeting spot and Rockwell Unscripted Creative Wall is used to delineate breakout spaces for the showroom and active office space. Samuel Medina, Executive Editor of The Architect’s Newspaper and jury member for the awards, says of the showroom, “Balance is not the first thing about showrooms that comes to mind. Too often, these exhibition spaces bow to the pressures of saleability or, conversely, the consumer’s self-perception. ARO’s D.C. showroom gets its exactly right.”